Friday, April 30, 2010

Is Food Out of My Reach?



Every day is getting worse and worse. We are facing a bigger crisis than what I had imagine, this is even getting to the point where food is getting out of our reach. My friend came over to my house on Friday to tell me that she was watching the news where they where passing a list of foods and the locations of where they where obtain from and she told me that she was shocked. Since we have a low amount of oil, foods are getting harder and harder to export. I have no idea what to do, am I going to starve to death? Tears just came running down of my eyes, I am scared. As soon as my friend saw this she told me about this farmers market that we have right here in Los Angeles. She told me that even though the food may not have the same taste as what I would normally eat because it does not have chemicals to stay preserved, the food is more fresh. I was not into the idea at first because all my life I have eaten non-organic foods. The next day she came over again and took me to a farmers market called Farmers Market The Original. Source:

As soon as entered there I smelled the freshness of the fruits and vegetables. Everything looked so different than what I had imagined. I bought the necessary things, such as meat, vegetables, fruits, and dairy. Source:

As soon as I got home I wanted to taste the difference between an organic fruit and a non-organic fruit. Wow, there was a difference, the organic apple was so juicy that when I took a bite the juiced dripped to the floor. That flavor was so good compared to an non-organic apple. I am worried about the meets and dairy because the animals are more taken care of. In the way that when they get sick they tare given antibiotics. I did not know that the antibiotics went into our bodies when we ate the animals meat. The problem is that, if our bodies grow an immune system against the antibiotics, once we get sick the antibiotics are going to be worthless in our bodies. This is crazy, either I eat this food and not starve to death but get immunities towards medicines or starve to death. Either way, I will lose. My life is changing daily as I keep on finding new things that rise up because of oil shortage. Where are we going to end? Will this go to extreme measures as to end humans achievements? I do not know and I certainly do not want to find out.

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