Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Without Deodorant

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I am freaking out right now. I just went to the store to go buy some deodorant because I was out, guess what?!?!?! There was no deodorant to be found in the store. I had came from a soccer practice, I was smelling all funky, and taking a shower was not good enough. Putting perfume on made it worst. Ok, so I went to the store and asked what had happen to the deodorants and they said that there was a shortage since we had limited petroleum. So the closest place to purchase deodorant was in Glendale. I was like OMG, I have to go to Glendale to get some deodorant. So I called my boyfriend to drive me to Glendale and he came and he was like, " am sorry but I smell a little bad." I just walked away when he tried to hug me
because smelling a little bad for him is like saying gaining 45 lb is a little weight. Now I can't even get close to the people I love because they smell so nasty and I do not want them to smell me either. Ugh :/ life sucks with out deodorant.

1 comment:

  1. nice entry about life without deodarent. Imagen that if peopele dont put deodarent and play any sports and they start to sweat, OMg they are so going to stink even more Undetr there armpits....your source does not work you may have to put a different picture or change you source
