Friday, April 30, 2010

Is Food Out of My Reach?



Every day is getting worse and worse. We are facing a bigger crisis than what I had imagine, this is even getting to the point where food is getting out of our reach. My friend came over to my house on Friday to tell me that she was watching the news where they where passing a list of foods and the locations of where they where obtain from and she told me that she was shocked. Since we have a low amount of oil, foods are getting harder and harder to export. I have no idea what to do, am I going to starve to death? Tears just came running down of my eyes, I am scared. As soon as my friend saw this she told me about this farmers market that we have right here in Los Angeles. She told me that even though the food may not have the same taste as what I would normally eat because it does not have chemicals to stay preserved, the food is more fresh. I was not into the idea at first because all my life I have eaten non-organic foods. The next day she came over again and took me to a farmers market called Farmers Market The Original. Source:

As soon as entered there I smelled the freshness of the fruits and vegetables. Everything looked so different than what I had imagined. I bought the necessary things, such as meat, vegetables, fruits, and dairy. Source:

As soon as I got home I wanted to taste the difference between an organic fruit and a non-organic fruit. Wow, there was a difference, the organic apple was so juicy that when I took a bite the juiced dripped to the floor. That flavor was so good compared to an non-organic apple. I am worried about the meets and dairy because the animals are more taken care of. In the way that when they get sick they tare given antibiotics. I did not know that the antibiotics went into our bodies when we ate the animals meat. The problem is that, if our bodies grow an immune system against the antibiotics, once we get sick the antibiotics are going to be worthless in our bodies. This is crazy, either I eat this food and not starve to death but get immunities towards medicines or starve to death. Either way, I will lose. My life is changing daily as I keep on finding new things that rise up because of oil shortage. Where are we going to end? Will this go to extreme measures as to end humans achievements? I do not know and I certainly do not want to find out.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

All Goods are at Risk!!!!


This is an epidemic, everything is at risk. All of my daily goods are starting to be cut down. My life is dramatically changing and it's just sad, I just want to die right now. All of this is going down hill, I am so scared that my I am going to starve to death. All my needs are slipping out of my hands. I am so scared, I have already cut back from my luxuries such as shopping, make-up, shoes, etc.
Although, I have taken the decision to do major changes in my life it is still in my head that, that day will come when I have nothing to survive with....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Can't belive what I learned!!!!

Source: Sources:

Today as I went to take a quiz on-line to see how much knowledge I have based on our issue of Oil shortage which made me found out some interesting facts. At first when I was reading about what demand and supply was I was so lost I had no idea what they meant by those two words. But then as I read more about it I found out that demand is pretty much the amount of goods and services that consumers are willing and able to buy. Supply is the amount of goods or services that producers are able and willing to sell as well which they determine the prices that will be given to the products. As I took the quiz the most surprising fact that I learned was that even after oil production in an area declines, there is still a substantial amount of oil remaining in the ground. I thought that if oil was declining it was because our natural sources where not available to us any longer because there was scarcity. Even though, what I had in mind was an ignorant thought, it was really helpful to actually learn what is happening all around us and know that when we have shortages there may be more but we have to really look hard for the resource.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses of Oil

(Gas Prices all over the World)
Today as I was looking through the channels, I went to the news channel to find out more about the oil crisis and wow I learned so many different things that I had no idea about. I learned that petroleum a.k.a Oil is used in Gasoline, Di seal Fuel, Jet Fuel, Bunker Fuels, Plastics, Synthetic Rubber, Synthetic Fibers, Fertilizers/Pesticides, Paint, Detergent, Photographic Film, etc. Gas prices are going off the roof, every where. This is getting crazier and crazier every day. The news reporter also said that Industry observers also are seen that national re \servers are very low because there is widespread declining production among the oil-exporting nations.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Without Deodorant

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I am freaking out right now. I just went to the store to go buy some deodorant because I was out, guess what?!?!?! There was no deodorant to be found in the store. I had came from a soccer practice, I was smelling all funky, and taking a shower was not good enough. Putting perfume on made it worst. Ok, so I went to the store and asked what had happen to the deodorants and they said that there was a shortage since we had limited petroleum. So the closest place to purchase deodorant was in Glendale. I was like OMG, I have to go to Glendale to get some deodorant. So I called my boyfriend to drive me to Glendale and he came and he was like, " am sorry but I smell a little bad." I just walked away when he tried to hug me
because smelling a little bad for him is like saying gaining 45 lb is a little weight. Now I can't even get close to the people I love because they smell so nasty and I do not want them to smell me either. Ugh :/ life sucks with out deodorant.